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More about Investment

More about Investment

Who may apply?

Third State citizens involved in an investment activity, either individually or through a company conducting, at least, one of the following operations in national territory

for a minimum period of five years:

i) Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 1 million Euros;

ii) Creation of, at least, 10 job positions;

iii) Acquisition of real estate with a value equal to or above 500 thousand Euros.

It covers shareholders of companies already set up in Portugal, or in another EU State, with a stable presence in Portugal and with tax obligations fulfilled.

Where do I apply?

Online at:      


Provided all legal requirements are fulfilled, SEF will notify the applicant to grant a Golden Residence Permit.

Or   II.   At the Portuguese diplomatic or consular posts

Or  III. At Regional Directorate and Regional Delegation of the Immigration and Borders Service [SEF] in Portugal.


• Passport or another valid travelling document

• Proof of legal entry and permanence in national territory

• Proof of  health insurance

• Signed application enabling consultation of the Portuguese Criminal Records by SEF         

• Criminal Record Certificate from the relevant authority of the applicant’s home country or from any other country where he/she resided for over a year

• As means of evidence of compliance with tax obligations, the applicant shall deliver a declaration proving the absence of debts issued by the Inland Revenue and Customs Authority and by the Social Security.

Requirements on the Investment Activity

•  Performing an investment activity period of five years attested by a bona fide  declaration signed by the applicant

Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 1 million Euros

Provide evidence of having invested the minimum amount required, including stocks or shares of companies.

• Declaration of a financial instituiton authorized to exercise its activity in Portugal certifying: the effective transfer of capital in the amount of not less than € 1 million, to an account demonstrating the investor is the sole or first holder of capital; or, the acquisition of stocks or shares of companies, and

• An up-to-date certificate issued by the Commercial Register, certifying that the applicant holds a share in the capital of a company. 

Creation of, at least, 10 job positions

Provide evidence of having created 10 job positions and registered the employees in the Social Security.

• An up-to-date certificate issued by the Social Security.

Acquisition of real estate with a value equal to or above 500 thousand Euros

Provide evidence of having the ownership of real estate property.

• Public deed or promissory share-purchase agreement of the property , with a declaration of an authorized financial institution to exercise its activity in Portugal stating the effective transfer of capital to its acquisition or to execute as a down payment of the promise to purchase in equal or superior value of 500 thousand Euros,  and

• An up-to-date certificate issued by the Real Estate Registry, which must always be, in the case of contract-promise and where legally feasible, the respective register. 

Other requirements under General


• Applicants must not have been convicted of crime punishable with deprivation of liberty exceeding one year

• Applicants must not be subject of an entry ban innational territory following a removal order from the country

• Applicants must not be subject of alerts inSchengen Information System

• Applicants must not be subject of alerts in SEF´s Information Integrated System issued for purposes of non-admission

Family Reunification

The holders of Golden Residence Permit for Investment Activity may apply for family reunification under the provisions of the General Law


For further information consult flyers:









If you are abroad

* Portuguese Diplomatic or Consular Posts


If you are in Portugal

* Regional Directorates and Delegations of the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service

* Contact Centre of the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service Website of the Portuguese Communities:

AICEP Portugal Global, E.P.E., Trade & Investment Agency

Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service